
Logo Systems, Branding,
and Print Design

Most of my time is spent designing logo systems and re-branding businesses to better position them in the current marketing landscape. Making sure their brandmarks, typography and other distinct stylings are functional and tell a story. I create advertising campaigns, and build systems that deliver consistency and recognizability.

What is

Branding is your brandmark, typemark, typography, color usage, textures, imagery, the music played in a retail store, the greetings on a voicemail, the tone of your content. It is every consistency that make up the persona of your business or organization.

Salisbury Art Space Brand Vessel Campaign


Every project is different and deserves a custom estimate. Just ballpark it? The short answer is a local start-up logo system typically costs between $1,000 and $2,000 depending on the scope and deliverables. Larger regional and national re-branding projects will be higher as they require more strategy, time, and assets. When custom design is desired and the branding, content, and imagery are already established an hourly rate may apply. When the budget is tight most projects can often be adjusted in scope, phases can be established, or if it’s a product design – a royalty deal may be applicable.